Welcome to the Bird'Aile game page!

This game is a project from the Cybierre Koffee Studio. We did the Ludum Dare 52 back in January and we wanted to see what we could do in a mini intern jam during a month without changing our personnal and professionnel habits.

The theme was: growth

As we already explored the agriculture world with the Ludum Dare's theme (harvest), we tried to go in a different direction.

In this game you are a bird that tries to make his/her chicks grow into fully fonctionnal birds.

You start with 6 eggs that you need to incubate but don't forget that you need to eat! Worms swarm all around. Once your chicks hatched, you'll have to feed them to complete their growth.

During all this time you will have to protect your kids from vicious birds of prey!


We were 2.5 working on this project.

It is far from perfect, we know it (but it has birds so it's ok)

We had more ideas or things that we wanted to implement but our schedule was 1 month and we started with the shortest one, smart us :D


birdaile-windows.zip 34 MB
Version 14 Mar 02, 2023

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